The Hydraulic Warning test checks the warning horn. (This is the same as the
Mach/Airspeed horn). This warning horn indicates hydraulic pump failure only with weight on
Prior to entering the taxi-way (the plane may pull out of the chocks and move through the
line area to free the plane captain) the following shall be performed: keep the a/c clear of
obstructions and call Ground. Student should have the airport diagram out and visible for quick
reference during taxi. Scan should be from 9 o'clock to aft of the right wing. When taxiing, first
priority is to keep the a/c clear of any dangers in the line area, taxi-ways, and intersections. In
the immediate line area the student will NOT perform checklists. SOP is to call Ground when
pulling out of chocks and once clear of the line, initiate the Taxi Checklist.
Beginning with item 3 (altimeters), the dialogue should resemble the following: "Altimeter
set xx.xx indicating xx feet/Gyro uncaged, erect, stable, no off flags/VSI indicates zero/EHSI
heading xxx (verify with taxiway and wet compass)/Airspeed indicating zero/ball tracking in
turns/RADALT on, set 400 feet." Although the pilot may not respond, allow for a response after
each item.
On item 9 (review T/O data), confirm T/O and Climb EPR's, V1, Vr, and V2. For the
departure brief, the student will set the initial hold down altitude into the altitude alerter and the
initial heading/course into the EHSI heading bug/CDI respectively, then request the abort brief
from the pilot.
As the aircraft approaches the hold short area, switch to tower frequency. Once all
previous checklists are complete, run the first four items of the line-up checklist, ask the pilot
and instructor if they are ready to go and call for takeoff. When cleared for position and hold, or
takeoff, clear the "groove" (final) and down the runway. Clear the run-up area for FOD, and
runway for other aircraft. Upon receiving takeoff clearance, complete the last two items of the
Line-up Checklist.
When transponder is called, turn it from STBY to ON, ensure it is in MON, and selected
for altitude reporting. Verbalize this while doing it and ensure the correct squawk is set. The
compass heading should be checked to see that it corresponds to the runway heading.
At rotation, note attitude (8-12 degrees nose-up), monitor altitude, airspeed, VSI, and
altimeter for safety of flight. When you see there are two positive rates of climb, verbalize "two
positive rates of climb, Gear." This is done with visual and instrument indications of climbing
away from the ground, i.e. outside observation and VSI or altimeter positive readings. If you do
not see a positive rate of climb, say (with a definite voice inflection): "POWER",
"ATTITUDE", or "ALTITUDE." This should get the pilot's attention to do something to correct
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