calling "thumbs up" when he sees the plane captain's signal. The pilot will normally verbalize
the start sequence.
After the thumbs up, the student will continue to check for normal indications on the
engine instruments as well as the annunciator panel. During a battery start, ensure you monitor
the battery temperature. If the temperature rises above 120F, isolate the battery (N model), or
turn off the battery (G model) and watch the rate at which the needle rises for possible thermal
runaway. To check direct current available at the essential bus, (DC) Voltage/Load, look at the
Set airplane altitude (bottom window of Cabin Controller) to 1000 feet above final cruising
altitude (G model).
NOTE: If this results in the Cabin Pressure needle being below 250 feet, then 250 feet shall be
set on the needle.
Check bleed air flow using the cabin air selector by cycling it OFF-RH-OFF, OFF-LH-
OFF, then OFF-BOTH, checking each setting for proper flow by observing the Cabin Pressure
rate-of-change indicator for downward needle deflection toward "CABIN". (Note: If the pilot's
sliding window is open, pressurization can be confirmed by positive airflow from side vents of
either the pilot's or co-pilot's cockpit cooling air outlets.)
This checklist is initiated right after the engine start. This is the place for the student to
demonstrate his "prowess" in equipment operation by setting up all the avionics in a smooth and
timely manner. After completion of this checklist, get ATIS and put your clearance on request.
This checklist is initiated immediately after the Avionics Power-Up checks, getting ATIS,
and putting clearance on request. Call for taxi only after this checklist is complete.
For speedbrake/aux hydraulic check, the student will notice a deflection of both the normal
and aux hydraulic needles when the speedbrake is cycled with the AUX SYS switch - ON. Then
there should be an obvious deflection on just the normal needle with the AUX SYS switch
OFF when the speedbrake is cycled again.
This is a good time to get your ICS/Audio panel set up for proper volume settings. You
should know how to align comp #2 using the incr/decr buttons. With "DG" pushed in/activated,
these buttons will act to move the compass rose one direction or the other. Pushing DG twice in
rapid succession will cause the compass to fast erect.
For the Mach/Airspeed warning test, the student will hear a warning clacker and an audible
tone in the headset. During stall warning test, the student will hear and feel the control columns
shake, and the red ignition lights in the starter buttons will illuminate. The pilot will test both the
inboard and the outboard stall warning vanes (transducers under the right wing).
During the fuel quantity test, the pilot will select RH IND, RH WING, LH IND, AUX, and
then TEST. This gets the two needles out of sync and moving away from their true indications.
As each needle passes through 300 lbs, they will activate the Low Fuel Level light separately.
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