i. Lineup Checklist
Verbalize clearing the "Groove"
Clear the other side for A/C
Clear the run-up area for FOD and the runway for other aircraft
Commence the Lineup checklist
Note the T/O time
j. T/O Roll
The student's primary scan is runway alignment and airspeed. The secondary scan is
engine instruments and caution-warning light panel. Students should not fixate on the
airspeed indicator.
Call "Off the peg, 60 kts, V1 in knots
k. At Rotation
Monitor attitude, airspeed, VSI, Altimeter, and scan outside
Once 2 positive rates are confirmed, verbalize "two positive rates of climb, GEAR."
The pilot will raise the gear.
Once A/C is "clean", pilot shall respond with "Gear up, lights out." Student shall
then call for landing/taxi lights confirm "retracted and off."
Complete the After Takeoff checklist after passing 1500 feet
Aviate, Navigate, Communicate, Checklists, then EPRs
l. Clear All Turns
All turns regardless of direction should be cleared on the student's side.
Clear as often as rate of bank/turn dictates (Turns greater than 30 angle of bank
require an almost continual clearing turn outward at co-altitude, and above (if
Generally the copilot should "stay out of phase" with the pilot (i.e., if the pilot is
primarily scanning outside/left then the copilot should scan inside/right)
m. Climb Out
Update Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) every 5000 feet starting at 5000 feet MSL
Perform the Climb checklist passing 10,000 feet
1000 feet prior to final level off, give a Cruise EPR and an IMN for cruise
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