Basic radio setup: UHF is primary. Students may use VHF if required.
The student shall notify the crew of ALL radio switches (i.e., "Crew uniform is
d. Avionics Power-Up Checklist
Set all remaining radios, NAVAIDs, and ICS
e. Prior to leaving the chocks Get ATIS and clearance
f. Prior to Taxiing
Call Base
Call Ground
Keep the A/C clear of obstructions (minimum scan responsibilities are from 9 to 4
g. Taxiing Checklist
At a minimum, clear all taxi-ways, throats, and off-duty runways
Flight Instrument check: the dialogue should resemble the following: "Altimeter set
xx.xx indicating xx feet / gyro uncaged, erect, stable, no off flags / VSI indicates zero
/ EHSI heading xxx (verify with taxiway and wet compass) / airspeed indicating zero
/ I've bugged xxx (V1) you should bug xxx (V2) / RADALT on, set 400 feet."
When taxiing, priority one is to clear A/C (in the ramp area the student should be
nearly 100% dedicated to clearing the A/C)
Ensure all NAVAIDS and flight instruments are set for the departure. The TACAN
will be used as the primary means of navigation. The heading bug will be set to the
initial heading for the SID, with the CDI set to the initial SID course. The first
altitude restriction will be set in the altitude preselect. Students will set 400 feet in
the radio altimeter for minimum emergency altitude.
Time To Go (TTG) will be displayed in the bottom left corner of the EHSI until a
ground speed check is accomplished on ANAVs; only then will ground speed be
displayed using the HSI button.
h. Departure Brief
Brief what is set into each NAVAID
Include first heading, course, and altitude
Receive the Abort Brief from the pilot
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