On a direct leg -- switch the TACAN, center the CDI, and give the pilot a new
heading for the new course.
Always inform crew of NAVAID switches. Use common name vice channel or
frequency, e.g., "TACAN switching to Crestview".
q. Changes/Flexibility
At all times, the student should be able to adjust some flight parameter to meet
fuel/time/weather requirements:
Shorten the time remaining (alter distance to go)
Select optimum altitude (climb)
Select optimum airspeed (max range/endurance)
Minimum fuel required is 1100# on deck plus #400 for each approach plus enroute
divert fuel if destination is IMC.
r. Descent
Obtain ATIS
Initiate Descent checklist 100-150 NM (approximately 15-20 min) prior to the
destination IAF
Crew brief includes destination weather, field and approach briefs, holding brief (if
required), Vref, W/O EPR, and T/R stops, and estimate of MSL altitude where radalt
should come alive.
s. Approach
RadAlt/Radio Altimeter is set to HAT/HAA for an instrument approach and 400 feet
for a visual approach (single engine go-around climb to 400 feet AGL min).
Mandatory altitude calls -- 15K MSL, 10K MSL, 5K AGL, 4K MSL, 3K MSL, 2K
MSL, 1K MSL, 1000 feet prior to any assigned altitude above 1000 feet, "Rad Alt
Alive" (radio altimeter is active at 2000 feet AGL), 200 feet prior to any altitude
below 1000 feet AGL, and MDA or DH. Clear all turns.
t. Landing Checklist
Slowing through 180 KIAS in the break (visual) and wings level on downwind
NLT 7 nm prior to TDZ on TACAN approach
+ 30 o and within 12 nm on GCA
Same as GCA but NLT "1 Dot below glideslope" on ILS (- 7nm)
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