4.5.2. The 1 V 1 engagement is commenced from an abeam set, characterized by the two aircraft
in an approximate 1 NM combat spread at 16,000 feet and 250 kts. The Lead IP sets the
parameters for each engagement: the responsibility to initiate the "Fight's on" and direction of
pass calls, the type of engagement, and any restrictions. LEAD IP "This engagement will be your call on the right, max input, anything goes." WING IP "Roger, our call on the right, max input, anything goes."
4.5.3. The responsibility to initiate the "fight's on" and direction of pass calls alternates with
each engagement. On an ATM 4, for example, the lead aircraft typically has this responsibility
on the first and third engagement and the Wing aircraft initiates these calls on the second and
fourth engagement.
4.5.4. "Max input" refers to the level of instructor participation during the engagement. As the
syllabus progresses and student proficiency in this environment increases, the level of instructor
participation gradually reduces from "max input" to "min input" and finally to "auto"
engagements where the student has sole responsibility for the maneuvering of the aircraft via
directive ICS COMM, and the IP provides no input.
4.5.5. The student provides a game plan to his or her IP before the engagement commences;
either "280 kts, lat sep, slice" or "Max kts, close aboard, pitch."
4.5.6. Once the "Fight's on" call is made, the two aircraft turn towards each other to effect a
neutral merge - a wings level, co-altitude, head on pass. Beginning with the demonstrated 1 V 1
engagement on ATM 2, and continuing with every abeam set thereafter, the students have
responsibility for establishing the direction of pass as the aircraft begin their turn into each other. LEAD IP "Speed and angels on the left." WING IP "Speed and angels on the right." LEAD IP "Fight's on." WING IP "Fight's on." LEAD STUDENT "Left (right) to left (right)." WING STUDENT "Left (right) to left (right)."
Right to Right
Left to Left
4.5.7. The following calls are intended to provide the student with some guidance with regard to
some of the directive COMM that may be useful to employ during a 1 V 1 engagement. By no
means is this list all-inclusive. Additionally, the student realizes these calls are only effective
when applied under the proper circumstances.
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