4.4.3. At the commencement of the engagement, the offensive aircraft begins its attack with a
roll in towards the defender. The defensive aircraft immediately commences a hard turn into the
attacker, as directed by the student on the ICS. DEFENSIVE STUDENT "Hard right, bogey right five."
4.4.4. As the attacking aircraft proceeds through the low reversal, the student in the defensive
aircraft needs to analyze the situation, as presented by the offensive aircraft, and respond
accordingly with directive ICS communication.
4.4.5. There are four defensive presentations. The procedures developed to defend against these
presentations are very specific and the student needs to be able to verbalize them exactly as
presented here. The High Yo-Yo and Barrel Roll involve out-of-plane maneuvering by the
attacking aircraft, and the Co-speed and High-speed overshoots are in-plane presentations. High Yo-Yo At some point after the low reversal, the attacking aircraft (bogey) initiates the
High Yo-Yo as an out-of-plane maneuver to prevent an imminent overshoot. As the
bogey begins its roll to wings level and subsequent pull out of plane, the defensive
student responds by unloading and extending to regain airspeed and increase nose to tail
separation. The defensive aircraft remains in this unloaded extension until the bogey
repositions its nose back on with a roll towards the defender, or until enough nose to tail
separation has developed such that the defensive aircraft can pitchback in and effect a
neutral merge. The former almost always occurs prior to the latter, and therefore, the
defensive student must maintain sight of his or her attacker and initiates the pitchback in
as the bogey brings its nose back on. If sight is lost during the unloaded extension, the
student needs to pitchback in immediately.
"Fight's on."
"Hard right (left), bogey right five
(left seven)."
Bogey rolls in from the perch through
low reversal
Bogey rolls wings level and initiates
"Unload, extend."
out of plane pull
Bogey repositions nose back on with
"Pitch back right (left), lift vector
roll towards defender, or lost sight
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