| ![]() ADVANCED TACTICAL MANEUVERING Barrel Roll The Defensive Procedures to counter the Barrel Roll are identical to those used
against the High Yo-Yo. Additionally, the Barrel Roll presentation is initiated with the
same out-of-plane pull by the attacking aircraft. As the bogey begins this wings level pull
out-of-plane, the defensive student unloads and extends. When the bogey commences its
roll away, the defensive student directs his or her IP to pitchback in and place the lift
vector on the bogey. The difference is the bogey rolled 360 away from the defender
towards the extended six o'clock position, rather than back towards the defender as with
the High Yo-Yo.
"Fight's on."
"Hard right (left), bogey right five
(left seven)."
Bogey rolls in from the perch
through low reversal
Bogey rolls wings level and initiates
"Unload, extend."
out of plane pull
Bogey initiates roll away from
"Pitch back right (left), lift vector on"
defender towards extended six, or
lost sight Co-speed (3-9) overshoot Following the low reversal, the bogey continues to press the attack with a hard
lead turn that attempts to align fuselages and enables the bogey to stabilize in a tracking
guns position. To counter this threat, the defensive aircraft must maintain its own hard
turn in towards the bogey. If the bogey takes no precautions to prevent the overshoot (Hi
Yo-Yo), this hard turn and eventual break turn may force a 3-9 (Wing line) overshoot
from which the defender can capitalize and perhaps become offensive or at least neutral
with the bogey.
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