and develop a mental picture of their approximate locations. "Clearing on the radios" will help
develop the situational awareness required of every aviator throughout their career.
VFR Arrival Procedures (Course Rules)
Entering for the "break" (or the "overhead") at Sherman Field is the same for all jet aircraft.
Aircraft are to be at 2000 feet MSL, wings level, 3 NM prior to the entry point. The entry points
are called "Point X-RAY" (NPA 231/6) for runway 07, "Bronson" (NPA 288/5) for runway 19,
"Point Long" (NPA 180/6) for runway 01, and "Pickens Gate" (NPA 104/7) for runway 25.
Maintain 2000 feet MSL until 3 DME (or crossing Blue Angel Parkway for runway 19), then
descend to 1300 feet. The "break" altitude is 1300 feet and is always toward base operations for
jets. Pattern altitude is 800 feet. VFR entry procedures and course rules must be committed to
memory (see Appendix E).
ILS Approach Procedures
During Instrument Navigation flights, an ILS approach may be conducted as a demonstration
item. It is important to understand the basics of how an ILS works.
After contacting Approach Control and requesting an ILS, the aircraft may be vectored to
intercept the final approach course at a specific altitude (approximately 1000 to 2500 feet AGL).
Prior to the final approach course, the appropriate ILS frequency must be set and information
displayed on the EHSI. The approach plate has all required altitudes, courses, and frequencies.
The P and instructor will demonstrate how the aircraft's autopilot and instrumentation will be set
to maintain the proper final approach course and glideslope to the runway. The Landing
Checklist shall be initiated no later than one "dot" below glideslope (i.e., the carrot will be one
"dot" above the reference datum).
On Deck Procedures
It is important to emphasize the flight does not end at touchdown. Your attention must be
focused until back in the Ready Room. During the landing roll, call out runway remaining and
airspeed until P initiates braking. When clear of all active runways, call Ground Control for taxi
and initiate the After Landing Checklist. While taxiing, it is still the CP's responsibility to clear
the right side of the aircraft. On the ramp, call Base and report the aircraft status. When the
aircraft is in the chocks, initiate the Engine Shutdown Checklist.
Flight Debrief
The Flight Debrief is conducted at the conclusion of the flight. The debrief will begin at the
instructor's discretion. At that time, bring all the equipment utilized during the flight to the
briefing room, including your "junk jacket." If the flight was a Check Flight, Special Check
Flight, Re-Fly, or required a Jacket Review, the instructor and student should ensure the
appropriate entries are made in the Aviation Training Jacket (ATJ). At the conclusion of the
debrief, the student will route the grade sheet, down chit, and/or ATJ to Student Control.
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