| ![]() APPENDIX B
B100. I5201/I5202
1. Instructor will demo the briefing for the I5201 hop. Student will brief the I5202 hop in its
entirety, including all standards, with instructor's assistance as required.
Be available at Base Operations one-half hour prior to brief time.
3. Have a completed (wind adjusted) Jet Card, DD 175, current charts and publications.
Although not required, route of flight may be lightly traced in pencil or outlined with chart tape
(understand that as you gain experience, it is expected that you avoid highlighting route).
Know all boldface Emergency Procedures (EPs), limitations, and EOD/QOD/SOPs.
Know required comm for ground ops, departure, enroute, and arrival.
6. Know all turnpoint procedures (2-Minute/MOT/WL calls) and required altitude calls. On
descent, call: "15K MSL, 10K MSL, 5K AGL, 4K MSL, 3K MSL, 2K MSL, 1K MSL". When
1000 feet prior to any assigned altitude above 1000 feet, call: "Rad Alt alive" (radio altimeter is
active at 2500 feet AGL) 200 feet prior to any altitude below 1000 feet AGL, and MDA or DH.
The student shall also report 1000 feet prior to level off (passing xxxx for xxxx) above 1000 feet
MSL and 200 feet prior below 1000 feet MSL (i.e., on final approach course).
Know the basic engine start sequence and required calls. First engine start will be a demo
item by the INFO/INAV on I5201. Students will be expected to perform this procedure on later
8. Be familiar with abnormal engine start indications (hot/hung/wet start), hand signals
(fire/egress/engine shutdown), and corrective actions.
9. For I5202, the instructor will require the student to perform a route change in flight. The
student will contact ATC to request the route change, recompute an ETA to the new turnpoint,
and recompute an updated initial approach fix fuel.
Walk Time (45 Minutes Prior to T/O)
The instructor P will meet the student and INFO/INAV 1 hour prior to takeoff to discuss
Safety/Dash-1 procedures for the flight. At 45 minutes prior to T/O, all will walk to the aircraft.
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