From the foregoing discussion, several conclusions can be drawn:
As a result of a heading jink, TA will be instantaneously changed.
The indications of a jink perceived on the radar scope are the same as those that would
be perceived in the case of an over or underdisplacement.
If the bogey jinks into the fighter, TA is decreased, the bogey will be closer to CB, and
the rate of outward drift will be less than that normally experienced.
If the bogey jinks away from the fighter, TA is increased, the bogey will be further
from CB, and the rate of outward drift will be greater that normally experienced.
The required reactions to counter jinks into the fighter are similar, in principle, as those
used to correct for an underdisplacement.
The handling of a jink away is similar, in principle, to handling an overdisplacement.
Briefly summarized, the jinking bogey produces one of two situations and requires the
following reactions:
Fighter's Reaction
Bogey's Action
Jink into fighter
Less rapid outward
Redisplace further
drift (hot)
out to cool off CT
Jink away from
More rapid outward
Harden turn to
drift (cold)
heat up the CT
ROC and Range Rate of Closure
The ROC is the most valuable aid in determining the direction of the bogey's jink. If the
bogey jinks toward the fighter, TA is instantaneously decreased. Therefore, since the bogey has
effectively placed the fighter closer to the forward quarter or head-on aspect than it was prior to
the jink, the ROC will immediately read higher than the expected norm for that TA.
Should the bogey jink away from the fighter, TA will be immediately increased and ROC
will decrease more rapidly than expected for the displaced TA. This is because a jink away puts
the fighter closer to the bogey's beam where the ROC approaches the value of the fighter's own
Range rate of closure is another valuable aid in determining the direction of the bogey's jink.
If the bogey's progression down the scope slows down a noticeable amount, then assume a jink
away. If it starts to move quickly down the scope during the CT, assume a jink into.
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