Developing a Game plan
While developing a game plan, keep the following information in mind:
1. Be aggressive on initial cuts. Round off GCI calls to your favor. The bogey must be
within the limits of the scope by 20 nm.
2. Some goals may be unattainable. Be aggressive at range, but control the intercept for the
3. Use the buster if required, but don't forget to remove it when it is no longer needed. Your
ownship speed should be a part of your scan--if it is not, make it so!
4. Analyze TA quickly on initial contact (cut to AO). Reconvert if necessary.
5. If on a cut away with a target aspect goal, calculate LS (anticipate reaching the LS goal
first), monitor it throughout the run, and then turn to a 0 cut when the LS goal is attained
and remain there until the turn to AH is required.
6. There is no requirement to have the bogey on collision. Anticipate drifting TA prior to
lead and/or displacement.
Jinking Bogey
A "jinking bogey" is a bogey that changes heading, airspeed, and/or altitude during the
course of the intercept. At this point in the syllabus, the bogey will only jink in heading, and
only at the FOX-1 range. The fighter must be able to recognize and react to all bogey heading
In conversions at VT-86, the bogey may jink toward the fighter as long as the bogey does not
change the DOP, or it may jink away from the fighter so as to increase TA to any aspect not to
exceed 50.
Spatial Relationships Created by a Heading Jink
Remember from IP-9 that the displacement points place the bogey roughly 25 degrees off CB
after the DT. As a result, the bogey is expected to drift at approximately the same rate for all
amounts of TA immediately after the DT.
If the bogey jinks in any direction, TA and LS are instantaneously changed. AO does not
change immediately. Following the FOX-1 and subsequent bogey jink, the displacement point
(AO) will be incorrect because it was determined by the TA prior to the jink. An instantaneous
change in AO will not be apparent. However, during the CT, the drift will appear as if the bogey
was overdisplaced or underdisplaced.
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