5. Making contact calls while still in the turn will allow more time for drift analysis. This is
a great technique but accuracy must be maintained.
6. During events in which the Data Block will be utilized, it is allowable to modify your
gameplan to make full use of this helpful information. In other words, gameplans and/or
techniques for data block on versus data block off should differ based on the
tools/resources available. As the accuracy of the information may not be exact
(especially in the airplane), it is highly recommended that you confirm Data Block
readouts with other techniques.
7. If, outside 20 nm, target aspect is determined to be greater than 90 degrees ("cold"
aspect), the fighter should reset and break off the intercept with a turn to put the bogey at
the fighter's 6 O'clock and tell GCI that " (call sign) is re-setting to the (cardinal
heading), GCI monitor group, BRA ___." The fighter will then "Re-commit" when, and
if, bogey has turned "hot", as indicated by a GCI call of "hot" or range calls that are
constant or decreasing. However, if a bogey is maneuvering and reaches 90 TA, continue
to analyze the jink until the bogey has stopped the maneuver. Do not be suckered into
resetting on a bogey that is doing a 360 and then pressing downrange, as it will take away
some of your intercept range and, potentially, one or more of your missile shots.
Stage II: (Fox-3 to Fox-1)
The fighter's goal during this stage of the intercept is to control existing target aspect;
recognize all bogey jinks in altitude, airspeed, and heading; react appropriately to these jinks and
successfully employ the AIM-7. The recognition of bogey jinks using the tools available on the
DLS (or PLS) radar presentation is a challenging culmination of all intercept skills learned to
date. A general discussion of these "tools" and recognition techniques follows:
Recognizing Jinks (Without use of the Data Block)
Altitude: The fighter's only "tool" available to recognize bogey altitude jinks is the elevation
strobe. A level-altitude bogey will produce an "el strobe" that steadily rises or falls - a familiar
sight. However, an el strobe that remains constant with decreasing range indicates a high bogey
descending (or a low bogey climbing) - not so obvious of an indicator. One proven technique to
help in recognition of altitude jinks is to begin analysis at long range by adding an estimation of
bogey altitude at the end of each BRA call, similar to GCI (high, medium, or low).
Airspeed: The tools available to recognize bogey airspeed jinks are ROC, velocity vector,
drift, and RROC. With an STT, the length of the heading/TA velocity vector is an indication of
bogey airspeed. Long is fast and short is slow. If a bogey speeds up and keeps a constant
heading (with forward quarter aspect), ROC and RROC will increase and the bogey may
eventually drift as collision bearing is moved 5 degrees. Often, however, the bogey will jink
during a fighter turn and this may mask any ROC changes. Once the bogey is on collision with
no drift, though, the existing ROC can be compared to the expected co-speed (0.5 IMN) ROC for
that aspect. Example: A 0 degree TA bogey on the nose with 670 kts ROC is fast.
Heading: With bogey heading jinks, the tools available are the bogey's heading/TA vector,
drift, ROC, and RROC. Notice that they are the same indicators that are used for airspeed jink
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