analysis. This can cause confusion! The unique characteristic of a heading jink is a "swing" in
the bogey's heading/TA vector, not the length of the vector. If noticed, this should be
corroborated with other indications; i.e. a "swing" away to a greater target aspect should have a
corresponding drop in ROC (if not masked by a speed jink) and inward drift (if previously on
Recognizing bogey jinks is a challenging skill to master and requires practice, patience and a
diligent scan of the radar presentation. Once a jink is recognized, the fighter must react properly
to counter the bogey's maneuvers and control the intercept.
Reaction to Jinks
Altitude: No reaction is necessary to counter bogey altitude jinks outside of 15 nm. Inside
of 15 nm, and with a tally, the weapons officer will direct the fighter to climb or descend to no
closer than 1,000' of bogey altitude, so as to not reach or cross bogey altitude. This will ensure
the bogey remains within the fighter's radar elevation limits throughout the counterturn.
Airspeed: For a slow bogey, the fighter has a tactical speed advantage and will preserve this
as long as possible and as long as headwork allows. For a fast bogey, logic would say to match
the bogey's airspeed once recognized. Others may prefer to wait until displacement; the key is
not forgetting to put the speed on at all and winding up with no shot and an opening contact.
Heading: With a bogey jink into or away at range, the fighter will simply assess new TA
and place the bogey back on the new collision angle off (DB off) or execute the gameplan for the
new TA (DB on). Since the fighter should not be matching bogey airspeed at these ranges, the
collision angle off may not be equal and opposite of target aspect. The fighter, for example,
would place a fast bogey with 30 degrees target aspect at 40 degrees angle off to achieve
collision. Also, during "jungle rules" intercepts, the bogey's target aspect may exceed 50
degrees. For aspects around 50 degrees, the possibility may exist to convert aspect down to
preserve a Fox-1 opportunity. Post F-1 range, the fighter MUST aggressively react to the initial
heading jink! Then, assess subsequent jinks/turning room, hot/cold situations and react
If target aspect exceeds 60 degrees, however, the fighter is no longer within the limits of the
bogey's radar. In this case, the bogey is now relying on GCI information, the fighter may want to
place him on the nose to monitor this defensive maneuver (expecting bogey to either run away or
jink to put the fighter's bearing near his nose). Conversely, the fighter may want to use a buster
and a cut-off vector and rely on cues (ROC, heading vector) to recognize a jink. The specific
reaction depends on scenario, fighter mission/mindset, and ROE. Whatever the case, with DB
off, a form of modified unknown procedures will be necessary to refine the bogey's new target
aspect estimation so a Fox-1 may be successfully employed.
In any phase of advanced intercepts, whatever techniques are chosen, be sure to understand
and be able to explain the reasoning behind their use.
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