transmissions will me made only by exception for safety of flight, etc. A generic example is
provided below:
"Sword, your signal is tank, Texaco is on Mother's
140 at 50"
"Sword contact 250/25, angels 18"
"That's your tanker, switch Texaco 248.3"
"Texaco, Sword is 25 nm NE of your position, request track information"
"Sword, Texaco copies, track is 140 radial, 50-60 nm, 18K ft, left hand
turns, at 280 kts. Pattern is clear, report joined 1 nm trail"
"Texaco, Sword is visual at your 8 O'clock, low"
(when tally)
"Texaco, Sword is joined 1 nm in trail, noses cold, switches safe"
"Sword, you are cleared to Starboard Observation"
Though a tanker's general position is anchored and his maneuvers are slight, the student may
find tanker rendezvous to be very challenging. An accurate spatial picture is absolutely required
for the fighter to predict and then execute the desired intercept.
Part III
Up to now, the student has practiced the intercepts to develop procedures. Now that the
procedures are (hopefully) firmly established, the students will start to put a name to a face
during each event. In the advanced events with data block on (SA-2 through FA-4X), the student
will be required to develop a scenario that requires a little imagination and thought. Once
complete with the TAC Admin portion of the brief, the student will explain the scenario, to
include the geographic setup, enemy AOB, friendly AOB and mission risk. A sample scenario
will be provided for the students in the briefing guide, but it is up to the student to make their
product somewhat believable (and entertaining, if possible).
Another element added to help make the advanced events more like the real world will be the
requirement for the student to debrief at least one run, at the instructor's discretion, on a briefing
board following the event. The debrief should include the setup, the flow, maneuvers, shots, and
termination of the intercept. This is meant to be a learning experience to help drive home the
importance of a solid debrief, where much of the learning will occur in reality. IP-20 provides
the sample requirements for an intercept debrief, as does the briefing guide.
Multiple Bogey Environment
In the wars of tomorrow, a fighter rarely will find a single bogey to prosecute, but instead a
sky filled with hostile aircraft. In this environment, the fighter can no longer rely just on his
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