radar and his contact but must be able to communicate information to, and receive from, many
other sources including his wingmen, other fighters in the area, and GCI.
The student will be introduced, in the simulator, to this dynamic, multi-bogey environment.
The myriad situations and topics to discuss is far too broad to include in this book and will be
covered as much as possible during class in the simulator and, as resources are available, during
flight events.
Mastery of multi-bogey tactics is not the purpose at this stage and will be the focus of
training at the various FRS' and FTUs. It is necessary, however, for the student to have a general
understanding of the terms listed below and how they apply.
Advanced Fighter Terms:
A fixed reference point (LAT/LONG, TCN, Geographical Pt, etc...)
Bogeys greater than 3 nm apart (no visual mutual support)
The act of assigning a group of bogeys to the fighter(s) for prosecution
The act of assigning a specific bogey, within a group, to a particular
Referencing groups, the nearer of two or more groups that a fighter sees
Referencing groups, the farthest of two or more groups that a fighter sees
Referencing groups, depicts an azimuth split (and range between the groups)
Referencing groups, depicts a range split (and range between the groups)
Used when requesting that GCI monitor a group of bogeys
Bogey with less than 45 degrees of target aspect
Bogey with around 45 - 70 degrees of target aspect
Bogey with 90 degrees target aspect + some
Bogey with greater than 90 degrees of target aspect
Bogey 150 - 180 degrees of target aspect
General description of bogey groups in reference to bullseye:
"Sword, picture, 2 groups, azimuth, 10, Northern group 5 South Bull"
or, for the same picture:
"Sword, picture, 2 groups, 10 nm North-South split, Northern group Bullseye
Now that we are at least thinking about multiple groups and contacts, the bullseye and BRA
calls during the advanced phase will now reference groups in order to get the student to sound a
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