B. Fuse
The AIM-9 utilizes 2 types of fusing mechanisms, contact and proximity. The contact fuse
feeds a firing pulse to the warhead upon missile impact.
The proximity fuse is a laser-optical system that detects when the missile is within a lethal
range, sending a firing pulse to the warhead.
The Sidewinder employs a safe and arm device that senses missile launch and will not allow
the warhead to arm until the missile is safely ahead of the firing aircraft.
C. Warhead
The AIM-9L/M has an annular blast fragmentation (ABF) warhead consisting of a high
explosive encased by titanium rods and a zirconium disk. The titanium rods penetrate an
aircraft's skin and the zirconium disk fragments will set fire to any combustible material.
D. Rocket Motor
The Mk-36 rocket motor produces 2880 pounds of thrust for a 5.0 second burn time that
accelerates the AIM-9 to approximately 2.0 Mach above the launch aircraft's airspeed. The
"smokeless" motor is actually 95% smoke free, leaving only a thin wisp of smoke in its trail,
which would be imperceptible to the enemy.
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