Figure 1
Physical Characteristics
Fusing ..........................Contact/Prox
Diameter.............................5 inches
Minimum range...............1000 feet
Weight...............................185 lbs
Gyro tracking..................24 per sec
Length................................9' 5"
Thrust...........................2880 lbs
Turning..............................45 g's
Gimbal limit........................+ 40
Velocity.........................2.0 + mach
Seeker FOV.........................3.5
A. Guidance and Control
The guidance and control section consists primarily of an infrared (IR) seeker head that is
cooled by compressed nitrogen and contains indium antimonide (InSb), which makes it very
sensitive to IR emissions. A thermal battery provides power for 60 seconds time of flight.
Target acquisition is indicated by a sharp tone in the pilot's headset. The tone increases in
intensity as the target approaches the center of the seeker head field of view.
The missile is guided by the deflection of the 4 forward fins that are pneumatically controlled
by a gas generator ignited at launch.
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