Figure 17
Rear Quarter Drift Control Without Radar Contact
If during the counterturn, the bogey is allowed to drift excessively and go off the scope, or
the fighter loses radar contact for whatever reason, the fighter should:
Continue turning with increasing turn rates as necessary and attempt to run the proper
drift curve via the RMI until approximately 45 DTG
Call "Lost contact" to GCI (immediately after losing contact - simultaneously with step
Listen for GCI's first call of bogey bearing
Steady up on a heading half way between bogey bearing and bogey heading, once in
the rear quarter (45 DTG)
The rationale for the procedure is simple. The BB is a line from the fighter to the bogey.
The BB allows the aircrew to orient the fighter's position with relation to bogey flight path. The
same number of degrees that the FH is off of the BH is the same number of degrees the fighter is
off BFP.
Analyzing the possible options available, the aircrew can:
Turn to bogey bearing
Turn to bogey heading
Turn to a heading between BH and BB
Turning to bogey heading places the fighter on a parallel heading with the bogey. This
maneuver arrests drift but may not allow the fighter to arrive at the bogey's 6 o'clock. Turning
to bogey bearing will induce fighter weave. Option 3 is the best choice. This procedure is
commonly known as "splitting the difference".
Turning to a heading between BB and BH is lead pursuit,
which will cause range to decrease and control the drift
when in close.
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