Figure 15
To recover control of the intercept, the fighter should command a "Hard as poss" turn to a
heading 30 degrees beyond the bogey heading and call "lost contact" to GCI. This brings the
fighter back towards the bogey flight path as rapidly as practical. Radar contact should be
anticipated near the nose, drifting toward bogey heading. If no contact is acquired within
approximately 5 seconds, and if no GCI information has yet been given, the fighter should turn
towards bogey heading with a "standard" turn. This entire procedure is called a "compass
Figure 16
The compass recovery is not a remedy for all break-lock or lost contact situations. If
the bogey had been allowed to drift cold with low target aspect (i.e. 5 TA displaced to 45, and
the bogey drifts off the scope), executing a compass recovery will place the fighter inside BFP,
possibly abeam the bogey, as shown below.
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