Constant practice here at VT-86 will make voice communication with the pilot clear, concise
and effective.
Descriptive Commentary (BRA/AREO Reports)
The purpose of descriptive comm is to keep GCI, your wingman (when applicable) and the
pilot informed of the progress of the intercept. Specifically, you are giving the bogey's position
in relation to the fighter. In VT-86 there are two separate formats for formalized descriptive
comm. They are BRA and AREO reports.
BRA and Bullseye
As already mentioned, the BRA report is given to describe the contact's position, referenced
from the fighter's nose. The initial contact call to GCI/AIC should be in the BRA format and
should be as accurate as possible. This confirms and correlates with the controller that the
contact you have is in fact the bogey they intend for you to intercept. Subsequent BRA calls can
be made as appropriate during the intercept over the fighter formation's tactical frequency to
build SA for wingmen who may not have radar contact because their primary search
responsibility is in another altitude block. Remember, once identified as your bogey, subsequent
BRA calls continue to be considered as descriptive comm and will not take priority over
directive comm.
The initial BRA report consists of Bearing, Range and Altitude information, followed by the
word "declare," which queries the controller on the status of the contact and should be followed
by a response from them. It is a two-way communication over UHF. An example of a BRA call
with a declaration request attached to the end is "Sweep BRA 100, 22, medium, declare." Sweep
is the tactical call sign of the fighter, and the BRA and declaration information follows. The
fighter can expect one of four responses to the declaration request: "Stand-by" meaning
weapons release authority is not available but may be released shortly; "Hostile, engage" -
weapons release is authorized; "Bandit" - confirmed enemy, weapons release not authorized,
"Bogey" - unknown contact, proceed with intercept, weapons release not authorized.
The bearing information is given in terms of magnetic bearing from the fighter to the bogey.
If, for example, the fighter is heading 130 and the bogey appears at 30 left angle off, the bogey's
magnetic bearing is 100 degrees.
The Range information in the BRA report is the miles from the fighter to the bogey. The
fighter does not have to state the word "miles" as it is understood in the BRA format that the
second number is the range in miles.
The Altitude information is given in relation to the bogey's altitude in 1000s of feet. This
information is not given as a hard number, but as a block of altitude of high, medium or low.
Different fighter communities may define high, medium, and low differently. Here at VT-86, the
low altitude block runs from 0-11,999 feet, medium block is from 12,000-19,999 feet, and the
high block is 20,000 feet and above.
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