Once in the Fleet or Operational Air Force, other descriptive formats will be used in place of
BRA. Without belaboring what specific other forms would be, an example of a basic, Broadcast
Bullseye call would be "Sweep, Bull-180, 30, hits medium." Everyone operating in the arena
would know where the bullseye location was, so all involved would immediately know the
position of the contact as 30 miles south of the bullseye position in the medium altitude block.
The AREO report states, in order, the bogey's azimuth, range, elevation and overtake (rate of
closure). It is primarily for the pilot; therefore, AREO calls will be made on the ICS within the
aircraft. Descriptive comm should be given smoothly and easily in a natural tone of voice. The
AREO reports should be given every two or three miles (beyond visual range) as long as the
bogey information remains relatively constant (on collision). Inside visual range, or if the bogey
is drifting, AREO reports should be given as often as possible to better describe the bogey's
position to the pilot and help the pilot get a tally-ho. Once a tally by the pilot is achieved, AERO
calls are no longer desired.
AREO reports should not be given when the intercept situation requires directive
commentary to control intercept progression.
Visual contact is usually made between 6-10 nautical miles under favorable visibility
conditions with radar cues on the pilot's Heads Up Display (HUD). Since the T-39 has no HUD,
AREO reports are particularly important during this time for the pilot to get a "Tally-Ho."
Azimuth Angle Reporting
Azimuth is reported as degrees Right or Left of the longitudinal axis (nose) of the fighter.
When referring to the azimuth angle and drift movement of the bogey, the terms "Right" and
"Left" must be used. When the bogey is neither "right" nor "left" of the fighter, it is said to be
"Dead ahead" (DA) or, "On the nose" (pure pursuit).
Range Reporting
Range to a radar bogey on the B-scope1 presentation is read in nautical miles and is
determined by the vertical displacement of the bogey contact above the bottom of the scope.
Range should be reported to the nearest mile. If the bogey is 25 degrees left of the fighter's nose
at a range of ten miles, the first part of the AREO report would be "25 left, 10 miles." Notice the
word "degrees" is assumed and thus, omitted in the AREO report but "miles" is emphasized for
clarity. This is done, because AREO reports are used during dynamic portions of the intercept
and unlike BRA calls, may be interrupted to be directive.
1 An A-scope shows azimuth vs. velocity, a B-scope shows azimuth vs. range, and a C-
scope shows azimuth vs. elevation.
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