No blind lead turns. Do not pull so much lead pursuit so as to lose sight of the aircraft you are
attacking. Remember we are always assuming the other aircraft does not see us.
Minimum range for gun attacks is 1000 feet. Once again, closure rates may be hard to judge
and if you are too late to see it, it could be disastrous.
No gun attacks within 45 of the bogey's nose head on. Again, this is to avoid the potential for
mid air. Our rear quarter Training Command guns envelope will further limit our angles to 90
off the abeam for a valid guns shot.
Configuration changes are limited to use of speedbrakes only. This rule prohibits the
extension of flaps during an engagement. This avoids possible over speeding the flaps.
Minimum airspeed for sustained maneuvering is 150 knots. At airspeeds below 120 knots,
the pilot will initiate recovery and cease maneuvering until airspeed reaches 150 knots.
Communication requirement: All ACM participants must have 2-way comm. Multi-place
aircraft must have operable ICS (that's us).
All aircraft monitor guard.
Single aircraft vs. single aircraft fights must monitor a common radio frequency.
3. NORDO aircraft rock wings and assume one "g" flight to indicate such to the other aircraft.
When witnessed, the engagement shall be terminated.
Weather Criteria:
No ACM into or through an overcast or undercast.
Top of the undercast or broken cloud layer is the simulated ground level.
3. ACM shall be conducted with at least 2000 feet vertical and 1 mile horizontal separation
from clouds at all times.
Five miles visibility minimum with a defined horizon.
Altitude Restriction: Minimum altitude for ACM is 10,000 feet AGL (Hard Deck) adjusted for
cloud ceiling or terrain. You must have at least 5000 feet of clear airspace above the ceiling
(i.e., if the top of the clouds is 8000 feet, the hard deck becomes 13,000 feet).
Termination of ACM engagements (Knock-it-off):
If any training rule is violated.
"Knock-it-off" can be called by anyone and all must acknowledge. If you see it first, call it.
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