deviations, and large corrections. By mastering scan shift, error detection is faster
because less time elapses between glances at a specific instrument. Deviations are
smaller; and since subsequent corrections are smaller, you become smoother.
It is often necessary to compare the indications of one performance instrument against
another before knowing when or how much to change attitude or power. An effective
scan technique may require that the attitude indicator be scanned between glances at
the performance instruments being compared (Figure 1-8).
During the BI events, the student will have the opportunity to fly the T-2 simulator
through a range of maneuvers and transitions. Proper trim technique makes this task
infinitely more manageable. The aircraft is considered to be correctly trimmed when
it is maintaining the desired attitude with all control pressures neutralized. By
relieving all control pressures, the pilot will find that it is much easier to hold a given
attitude. In this condition, more attention can be devoted to the performance and
position instruments, and additional cockpit duties. Proper trim technique is essential
for smooth and precise aircraft control during all phases of flight.
Establish an attitude and power setting on the control instruments. This will result in
a desired performance. Maintain this attitude. Trim until control pressures are
neutralized. The aircraft should be trimmed for coordinated flight by first trimming
the rudder to maintain a centered ball in the turn and slip indicator, followed by the
wings, and finally the elevator. Quickly "click" the trim switch to prevent running in
too much trim at one time. The lighter the pilot's touch on the stick, the more
sensitive the pilot is to trim requirements. This is an absolute requirement for "hands-
off" trim. Changes in attitude, power, or configuration may require a trim adjustment.
Smooth and precise attitude changes are best attained by a combination of control
pressures and trim adjustments.
Use of trim alone to change the aircraft attitude will lead to erratic
aircraft control.
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