Adjust the nose attitude to maintain 250 KIAS. A check of airspeed and nose attitude will have
to be continuous. Crosscheck wing attitude with the BDHI and the turn needle. The VSI may be
used as an additional nose attitude crosscheck instrument. Avoid the tendency to over-correct
when adjusting nose attitude. If it is determined that a given nose attitude is too high
(decelerating below climb airspeed), lower the nose 1 to 2 degrees until climbing airspeed is
regained. Then take out one-half of the correction and fly this as the new nose attitude.
Conversely, if the nose attitude is found to be too low (accelerating above climb airspeed), raise
the nose 1 to 2 degrees. When climbing airspeed is regained, take out one-half of the correction
and use this as the new nose attitude. The nose attitude required to maintain climb airspeed will
gradually decrease as altitude increases.
Climbout Checklists
Climbout checklists (i.e., the 3K, 10K, FL180, and FL230) will be completed in accordance with
the applicable checklist or inflight guide at the designated altitudes.
Normal Cruise
Normal cruise will be flown at 250 KIAS during BI simulator events. The aircraft's nose will be
approximately on the horizon.
Penetration Descent
The penetration descent will be flown at approximately 75% RPM and 250 KIAS with speed-
brakes extended. The rate of descent will be approximately 5000 feet per minute. Twelve
degrees nose down on the VGI is the approximate attitude for this maneuver.
"The Minute to Live Rule" states the rate of descent should never be greater than the aircraft's
altitude above the surface. For example, if you are passing through 3000 feet AGL, the rate of
descent should not be greater than 3000 feet per minute. The "Minute to Live Rule" is not a
federal regulation and will not be found in NATOPS. Rather this FTI-mandated procedure is a
common sense approach to safely controlling rates of descent.
A properly flown instrument approach will not violate this rule. Adherence to the minute-to-live
rule will be verified silently with the VSI. Deviations from the minute-to-live rule should be
reported to the pilot.
"Platform" will be called on the ICS when the aircraft descends through 5000 feet AGL.
Background: The "platform" call was originally designed to enhance the safety of IMC
nighttime penetrations to the carrier. In tactical naval aircraft, the platform call is made during
every descent passing 5000 feet AGL.
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