Section Go
The wing aircraft will take a normal parade position for departure. There should be no wing
overlap when positioned. During the takeoff roll, it is important the OUI keep his head out of the
cockpit as much as possible. Both aircraft will proceed down the runway together during a
section go. The wingman will "fly form" on the runway. The lead and wing students will have
different responsibilities during a section go.
The lead student's primary responsibility is to monitor the position of the wing aircraft in relation
to the lead. If sucked (aft of the initial bearing line) or acute (forward of the initial bearing line),
verbalize the deviations to the lead pilot. If in position, so state. No more than two position calls
should be necessary during takeoff roll, the IP will make the ICS calls as described in FAMs.
The wing student will monitor trim and flap position, airspeeds, and make the same ICS calls as
described in FAMs.
When safely airborne, the lead student will report "2's airborne" to his pilot on the ICS. The lead
pilot will then signal the section to raise the landing gear with an exaggerated head nod. Both
pilots will raise their gear simultaneously. At 135 knots, another head nod from the lead pilot
will prompt raising the flaps. The student should scan for a clean aircraft prior to gear speed and
ensure the other aircraft in the flight is clean. When both aircraft are clean, the lead student will
call "flight clean at 165" on the ICS and then check in with departure control.
Interval Go
Runway positions for an interval go is the same as for a section go. After run-up checks are
completed and the thumbs-up is passed, the lead will "kiss off" the wingman with a hand signal
and release the brakes. The wing will wait the SOP mandated interval (approximately 8 seconds)
before initiating their takeoff roll. Procedures during the lead and wing takeoff rolls are the same
as for a FAM takeoff. Once the wing aircraft is clean, the wing OUI will call "2's airborne" on
the UHF. Unlike a section go, this call must be made on the radio as the wing may not be in the
lead's field of view. Once the "2's airborne" call is made, the lead student can check in with
departure control. The wing student's primary responsibility is to monitor the rendezvous and
report airspeeds to the pilot over the ICS until within two wingspans of the lead.
Individual Go
If weather precludes either a section or an interval go (i.e., the weather at the departure field is
less than circling minimums), a third option is to split the section and perform individual
takeoffs. Each aircraft will acquire its own clearance. Lead should call for takeoff and request
one-minute separation between aircraft from tower. ATC will allow this because you are a flight
and intend to join when airborne. Takeoffs will then be executed individually with a one-minute
interval to afford a rapid join up. Takeoff procedures are identical to FAM procedures. Once
VFR on top, every effort should be made to join expeditiously. If wing does not have lead in
sight, both aircraft should proceed to a predetermined TACAN position to join. Once joined, the
lead will notify ATC and the wing's clearance will be cancelled.
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