SEABREEZE: "ROKT 211, maintain 12 thousand."
At approximately 20 DME SEABREEZE will provide clearance into the area.
SEABREEZE: "ROKT 211 upon entering W-155 cleared operational Area 1, maintain block
7000 to 300."
Student: "ROKT 211, WILCO."
SEABREEZE: "ROKT 211, switch to my discrete on 382.0."
Student: "ROKT 211, 382.0."
Student: "SEABREEZE, ROKT 211, checking in 382.0."
SEABREEZE: "ROKT 211, SEABREEZE, loud and clear."
SEABREEZE: "ROKT 211, radar services terminated, maintain VFR, contact me one zero
minutes prior to RTB on my primary."
Student: "ROKT 211, WILCO."
After entry into W-155: The simulator instructor (SI) will assign the student multiple pointt-
points, and the student will navigate to each assigned point. Upon arrival at each point, the
student will inform the SI of their TACAN position, location relative to the area boundaries, and
recommend a turn direction and heading to remain within the area. Example: "Sir we're on the
180 radial at 45 DME, approaching the southern boundary, recommend a right turn to heading
In between pointt-points: The SI will attempt to simulate the challenge which students
experience during ATM hops when, at the end of an engagement, the instructor pilot says:
"Knock it off, tell me which way to turn to stay in the area." This may be done by
"repositioning/slewing" the aircraft to a surprise location. Upon arrival at the new point, the
student will inform the SI of their TACAN position, location relative to the area boundaries, and
recommend a turn direction and heading to remain within the area. Example: "Sir, we're on the
225 radial at 39 DME approaching the western boundary, recommend a left turn to heading 090."
When directed by the SI, the student will contact SEABREEZE on their primary frequency in
order to obtain weather, altimeter, and runway information, and report, "Ten minutes prior to
RTB request course rules."
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