1. If a student attempts to recite Deferred Action Items from
memory rather than by reference to the NPPC, the student remains
responsible for correct recall of all steps in the procedure.
2. During an RI event, the student can expect at least one of
each type of aircraft emergency or malfunction listed above.
General Preparation/Fuel Management
Preparation for a 2F101 Radio Instrument event consists of:
Study of all the procedures prescribed for each item listed in the curriculum for the RI event.
Preparation of:
1. Publications. For event planning and for use in the cockpit, the student will need current
high altitude terminal publications (Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) booklets and
published Departure Procedures), high altitude enroute charts, IFR-Enroute Supplement, and the
Flight Information Handbook. Low altitude enroute charts are not required. Low altitude
Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) Charts are required if the only instrument approach
procedures available at the planned destination are low altitude approaches.
2. Jet logs. Flight Log: CNATRA-GEN 3760/14 or Single Engine Jet Flight Log:
CNATRA-GEN 3760/1 or equivalent will be used. The student will prepare a copy for use in the
cockpit and provide a copy to the SI (Simulator Instructor) at the event briefing. Advanced
students are familiar with completion of flight logs, but several items are unique to the ATM
stage and RI events in the 2F101:
Students shall prepare a jet log for each RI event, as follows: Plan 4100 pounds of
fuel at start (the 2F101 will set this fuel load upon entering "NFO Mode" at the
commencement of RI events).
Use the standard day climb, cruise, and approach data from the VT-86 T-2C IN-
FLIGHT GUIDE. Interpolate fuel planning data, KIAS (to the nearest 5 knots), and
KTAS (to the nearest 5 knots), for the planned cruising flight level.
FUEL PLAN entries on the reverse of the Flight Log:
Total transferred from the "Leg Fuel" column on the front side.
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