GROUND (UHF): "ROKT 204, taxi to your line."
Additionally, once clear of the runway, the student and IP will complete the Post Landing
STUDENT (ICS): "Check idle stop, strobes, squawk, and landing lights."
While no further communication is required regarding the Post Landing Checklist, it is the
student's responsibility to ensure the IP complies with all items in this checklist. To allow the IP
sufficient time to complete this checklist, the student will wait until the aircraft is in the line/hot
brake check area to challenge the IP on any Post Landing Checklist item not completed (i.e.,
speedbrakes still extended, flaps down, trim not in-in-zero). The student, meanwhile, will
complete their portion of the checklist (i.e., TACAN-OFF).
Another task to complete once clear of the active duty runway is the disarming of the ejection
seats. The IP will initiate the reinstallation of the pins to safe the ejection seats:
IP (ICS): "Installing pins."
STUDENT (ICS): "Roger, installing pins."
Reinstall the canopy jettison pin and the lower and upper ejection handle pins. The aneroid bell
crank pin on the side of the seat will remain unpinned until the aircrew is out of the cockpit.
STUDENT (ICS): "Three pins installed."
IP (ICS): "Roger, three pins installed."
Once the 3 pins are installed, the IP will clear the student to unstrap. After exiting the taxiway
into the CTW-6 line area, the student will switch the UHF radio to Base Frequency, and report to
Maintenance Control (the status of the aircraft using the side number) and the Duty Officer (the
status of the flight using the ROKT call sign).
STUDENT (UHF): "Maintenance, 807 is in and up."
MAINTENANCE (UHF): "Roger 807."
STUDENT (UHF): "Base, ROKT 204, complete with 1.7."
BASE (UHF): "Roger 204."
After the IP shuts down the engines and a thumbs up is signaled from the PC, the student will
secure the UHF radio and exit the aircraft. The aneroid bell crank pin will then be reinstalled
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