The Radar Vectors, Final Approach Course Brief is given upon learning that radar vectors will
be provided to the final approach course for the approach, but if holding is assigned, the brief is
not given until after entering holding.
During vectors, the pilot will fly headings and altitudes as assigned, and the student will perform
appropriate tasks for an initial approach segment:
Ensure that appropriate checklists are complete.
Confirm that the Final Approach Course is set in the course indicator.
When appropriate, report leaving the assigned altitude (mandatory).
Report any need to adjust rate of descent in order to comply with assigned altitudes.
Passing 5000 feet AGL report "Platform" to the instructor.
Monitor compliance with the "Minute-to-Live" rule, and report any deviations.
At seven miles prior to the FAF, the student will request: "Slow to Gear Speed." This is done
whether or not the aircraft is established on the Final Approach Course at that distance. The IP
will extend the landing gear. After the gear indicates down and locked, the student will
commence the Landing Checklist. Speedbrakes will normally be closed during this checklist.
Flaps may be up, one-half, or full down, at IP discretion. Provide angle of attack verification
speed appropriate for weight and flap setting. The student will provide a Missed Approach brief
or Climbout Brief, as appropriate. Once again, the speedbrakes will be extended at the final
approach fix at which time the landing checklist may be called complete.
During "RADAR Vectors, TACAN Final Approach Course, the TACAN Final Approach
segment and the TACAN Missed Approach segment" are flown as described above.
Radar control is one of the most precise methods for accomplishing an instrument approach. A
Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) system consists of Airport Surveillance Radar and
Precision Approach Radar (which consists of both azimuth and elevation radar equipment).
There are two basic types of GCA approaches: the precision approach and surveillance
approach. The precision approach provides the pilot with precise course and glideslope
information. The surveillance approach provides only course and range information and is thus
classified as a non-precision approach.
An aircraft is vectored to the GCA final approach course in the same manner as an aircraft is
vectored onto the final approach course for any other type of approach. Pilots will fly headings
and altitudes as assigned during vectors.
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