Figure 3-8 Holding Entry Procedures
Standard (right turns). Locate the outbound holding course. If the outbound course is located
within an area 70 to the right of the aircraft heading, perform a teardrop entry (Figure 3-8). If
the outbound course is located within an area of 110 to the left of the aircraft heading, perform a
parallel entry (Figure 3-8). If the outbound course is located in the remainder of the BDHI a
direct entry is correct (Figure 3-8). When the holding course is within + 5 degrees of heading for
more than one entry procedure, a choice can be made as to the preferred entry (i.e., If the holding
radial is 75 to the right of aircraft heading, either teardrop or direct entry would be acceptable).
Non-Standard (left turns). Locate the outbound holding course. Reverse the 70/110-degree
line. If the outbound course is located in the arc 70 to the LEFT of the aircraft heading, perform
a teardrop entry. If the outbound holding course is located in the arc 110 to the right of aircraft
heading execute a parallel entry. If the outbound course is located in the remainder of the BDHI,
a direct entry is correct. The +5 option applies to non-standard entries as well.
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