the airspace needed to make a standard rate turn from the outbound turnpoint back to the holding
radial. By crabbing away from the holding radial (in this case), the pilot will be able to turn at
the outbound turnpoint and roll out on the holding course inbound.
Figure 3-10 Holding Pattern With Crosswind Corrections
TACAN Approach
Just as in any other aircraft, prior to commencing a TACAN approach in a T-2, it is obviously
necessary to determine whether or not, the field weather is at or above the weather minimums for
the approach.
Depending on the approach speed flown, a T-2C is a Category B aircraft ("speed 91 knots or
more but less than 121 knots") or a Category C aircraft ("speed 121 knots or more but less than
141 knots") reference: FAA Pilot Controller Glossary. If a T-2C is flown at category B
approach speeds, but category B minimums are not shown on the applicable approach chart,
category C minimums would be flown. Most, but not all High Altitude approach charts list
category C, D and E minimums, but some charts list Category A and B also. Most low altitude
approach charts list category A, B, C, and D minimums. Either high or low altitude instrument
approach procedures may be flown in a T-2C. Minimums are displayed in several ways:
1. MDA (MSL) and Visibility/RVR. In Figure 3-11 the Category C values are expressed as
"1800/40"(RVR, in hundreds of feet) for S-19R and "1850/1" (Statute Miles) for the circling
2. MDA (HAT). The Height Above Touchdown the aircraft will be when at MDA. In Figure
3-8, the values are 450 and 500 AGL.
3. Minimum Ceiling/Visibility. The minimum height of the lowest cloud deck (broken or
overcast) above the ground and minimum prevailing visibility for the approach to be authorized.
In the example, 500-3/4 for the straight-in, and 500-1 for the circling approach. These weather
minimums are always parenthesized.
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