Flows and Game Plans
When two aircraft meet head-on, one of two types of flow will be established in a turning fight
post merge:
One Circle Flow.
Two Circle Flow.
One Circle Flow: If after the merge, both aircraft turn in the same direction, the flow is said to
be "one circle" because both aircraft are now on the same turn circle but in opposite directions
(Figure 10-21). Note that in a one circle flow the two aircraft are fighting nose-to-nose.
Figure 10-21 One Circle Flow
In a one circle fight, the aircraft with the smaller turn radius will develop a positional advantage
by turning inside the opponent's turn circle. A one circle fight therefore is a radius fight. In
(Figure 10-22), we can see the F-18 flying a smaller turn radius and gaining a positional
advantage on the bogey. The F-18 is minimizing its turn radius by pitching up out of plane. To
fly the tightest turn radius possible, the fighter will enter the merge with as much airspeed as
possible to maximize the out-of-plane maneuver. By flying the jet through a plane of motion
above the bogey's, we are collapsing our turn circle relative to him. Additionally, the fighter
will want to merge as close to the bogey as the training rules will allow (500 feet). This close
aboard merge will serve to further minimize our turn circle relative to the opponent. When we
put all of these tactical considerations together we come up with a game plan. The fighter's
game plan for a one circle fight therefore will be "MAX KNOTS, CLOSE ABOARD, PITCH."
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