As altitude loss is required to execute a low yo yo, deck awareness during the maneuver is
important. Approaching the desired weapons range, the fighter will work the nose back up
towards the bogey for a shot. Should excess closure develop, a follow-on high yo yo may be
Be aware that during a low yo yo, the experienced bogey will attempt to exploit your increasing
closure and higher angle-off by pulling harder in an attempt to force an overshoot.
The attacker should anticipate this and ensure proper follow-on maneuvers (i.e., high yo yo) are
employed in order to maintain the positional advantage and achieve a firing solution.
Like the high yo yo, the low yo yo is not just an exercise but rather an excellent tactic employed
whenever necessary.
Figure 10-16 Low Yo Yo
Displacement Roll
A displacement roll is a maneuver designed to reduce angle-off, closure rate, or displace the
aircraft into a "lag pursuit" position. Displacement rolls are usually employed during low angle-
off scenarios when the attacker desires to "displace" himself in relation to the target's turn circle.
In these situations, range is generally satisfactory so vertical plane maneuvering (i.e., a high yo
yo) is not required. Displacement rolls are practical any time reduction of angle-off and closure
rate is desired.
Normally the displacement roll begins with an attempt to align fuselages on the inside of the
defender's turn. The nose is then pulled up and the aircraft is rolled opposite the direction of the
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