TACAN Rendezvous
A TACAN rendezvous is a procedure commonly used to rejoin a flight. Formations that have
been separated, or required to rejoin after a lost-sight scenario may also utilize a TACAN
The section lead will commence his rendezvous turn at any pre-briefed TACAN fix, altitude,
direction of turn, and airspeed (usually 250 KIAS). Upon reaching the fix, the section leader will
call "[Call Sign] point 1", and commence a 30 angle-of-bank turn (Figure 10-12, left side). The
lead will call the four points of the circle as they are overflown. The wingman will maintain an
altitude separation of 1000 feet below the lead's pre-briefed altitude until both aircraft have each
other in sight. At this time, the wingman should fly, to affect a co-altitude rendezvous with the
lead on the inside of the lead's radius of turn (Figure 10-12, right side).
Figure 10-12 TACAN Rendezvous
In the above example, as the wingman arrives at Point 1/a, the lead is at Point 3/A. The
wingman should maneuver their aircraft (from a to b) to point its nose ahead of the lead's aircraft
that has maneuvered (from A to B). Using lead and lag the wing IP will rendezvous with the
lead. To expedite the rendezvous, the lead may choose to join on the wingman. Aircraft
positioning may make such a scenario (lead joining on wing) more effective. In either case, the
student in the joining aircraft will monitor closure and call out airspeeds as required.
Tail Chase Exercise
The purpose of the tail chase exercise is to introduce the "guns envelope" and basic offensive
maneuvering. The pursuit curves, closure rates, and the guns envelope described in chapter 9
will be demonstrated.
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