FIGHTER NOSE HIGH - In general, when we go nose high, we will be collapsing the fight as
our airspeed decreases.
Vs. Bogey Nose High - The bogey has chosen to go up with us into a one-circle fight. Treat this
as if you have entered a flat scissors and fight a tight radius fight. Lift Vector placement and
AOA/airspeed control will be critical in this scenario.
Vs. Bogey Nose Level - The bogey is not using altitude to assist its fight. Use it against him by
fighting the one circle fight aggressively in the vertical, thus collapsing your turn radius with
respect to theirs while managing your airspeed by climbing. Recognize that you are outside the
bogey's turn circle, get back in, then work behind the post, but do not get buried nose low in
your pursuit of two-circle glory. With sufficient turning room, you may be able to turn behind
the bogey's post and transition to a two-circle fight while accelerating in a descent. If not behind
the bogey's post, use good one-circle mechanics: early turn to get in phase, maintain weapons
separation, and control your airspeed and nose attitude with the basic pursuit curves.
Vs. Bogey Nose Low - If you can reverse and make this a one-circle fight, you will be highly
offensive. Should this continue to two-circle you will be on the losing side of the rate war. It is
crucial that you make this one-circle fight early. Then transition as stated above. If you do not
reverse, you will be setting yourself up for a vertical merge; a bad vertical merge.
FIGHTER NOSE LOW - In general, when we go nose low, we are set up to keep our speed up
which is usually best in the rate war.
Vs. Bogey Nose Low - The bogey is working in a rate fight along with you. Your goal is to max
perform your aircraft so you are fighting the best rate fight you can. That means, using the
available altitude to keep your knots in the best sustained rate (280 KIAS) as long as possible.
Evaluate the bandit at the follow-on merge to see how they did, then adjust your game plan as
necessary. Generally, if the bogey is below you, he may be out rating you.
Vs. Bogey Nose Level - If we can maintain the rate fight, we can gain a good advantage on the
bogey by using the altitude that they is giving us. Delay coming up to meet him until you have
to, in order to create a better vertical component at the second merge. Pitch to meet the bogey
halfway up and evaluate the turning room. If the bogey does not take out the turning room, the
fighter will have a big bite (angular positional advantage) and maybe a shot opportunity.
Vs. Bogey Nose Up - If you can continue in the rate fight you will be highly offensive and facing
a merge with you going nose up (good) versus a bogey going nose down (bad). If the bogey
reverses and you find yourself in a one-circle fight, you may need to react to this aggressively by
getting your nose up (pitch) and fight the one circle fight.
FIGHTER TURNS LEVEL - In general, turning level across the horizon is not a good game
plan because you are not maximizing your jet for any particular fight. It is never a good idea for
the fighter to do a level turn across the horizon unless the deck is a factor.
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