LEAD: "Seabreeze, ROKT 204, flight of two, one two thousand, request Area 3 and a discrete."
SEABREEZE: "ROKT 204, proceed direct Rozie, expect Area 3."
If unable to comply with the flight's request (i.e., the requested area is occupied), Seabreeze may
assign one of the other two working areas.
Upon receiving clearance to a working area, the lead student will execute a point-to-point to the
applicable entry point for the assigned area. During this transit, Seabreeze should provide
clearance into W-155A.
SEABREEZE: "ROKT 204, upon reaching Rozie, you are cleared operational W155, alpha
three, maintain block zero seven thousand to flight level three zero zero."
LEAD: "ROKT 204, Wilco."
As the flight approaches the entry point, Seabreeze will switch the flight to the one of their
discrete frequencies.
SEABREEZE "RKT 204, contact me on 385.2."
LEAD: "ROKT 204, switching 385.2, Turbo."
WING: "Two."
LEAD: (on the new frequency): "Turbo."
WING: "Two."
LEAD: "ROKT 204 checking in 385.2."
SEABREEZE: "ROKT 204, Sea breeze, I hear you loud and clear, squawk 1020, Dash Two
squawk 1021."
LEAD: "ROKT 204 squawking 1020 in order."
The wing student will ensure his IP squawks the appropriate code and normal. After confirming
the new squawks, Seabreeze will terminate IFR control.
SEABREEZE: "ROKT 204, radar services terminated, maintain VFR, contact me 10 minutes
prior to RTB on my primary."
LEAD: "ROKT 204, Wilco."
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