There are three types of engaging turns:
Tac Turn. This turn is used for a 90 heading change.
Inplace Turns. This turn is used for a 180 heading change laterally offset.
Cross Turn. This is used to turn the section 180 without an offset.
Direction of Engaging Turns
The Tac and Inplace Turns can be further defined as Into or Away, based on the direction of
lead's turn relative to the wingman. For example, if the wingman were on the left side of the
formation, a Tac Left would be defined as a Tac Into, while a Tac Right would be considered a
Tac Away. This same principle applies to the Inplace Turns. Engaging turns are energy
sustaining turns flown at 250 KIAS and twelve units AOA. Each type of engaging turn will be
detailed in this section.
TAC Turns
TAC Turns will change the section's heading 90. The TAC Turn is initiated with a UHF
transmission from the lead student:
LEAD: "Turbo, TAC LEFT."
WING: "Two."
The aircraft on the outside of the turn then commences a level, energy sustaining (12 unit AOA)
turn for 90. As this aircraft approaches the extended six of the other aircraft, the inside aircraft
begins its 90 turn. At the completion of this turn, the two aircraft are again in combat spread.
As a result of this turn, the two aircraft will switch sides of the formation.
The turn depicted in Figure 10-4 is a TAC Left Away. In this case, the wingman is responsible
for clearing the airspace at the section's new six o'clock. To do this, the wing student will clear
the airspace to the inside and aft of the turn (left and aft in Figure 10-4). Once the aircraft (the
wing aircraft in this case) completes its 90 turn, the student will shift his lookout back to the
inside of the section (right in this case) and scan the airspace aft of the wing-line (the section's
new six o'clock). The student must physically rotate their body to facilitate this lookout. Merely
turning the head from side to side is insufficient to adequately clear the section's six o'clock.
While "checking six", it is important the student scans in the vertical, both high and low. Once
the airspace is sufficiently cleared, the student (wing in this case) will make the following UHF
WING "Six clear."
LEAD "Roger."
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