4. Perform wind analysis and groundspeed checks. A 36 second groundspeed check at T-2C
cruising speeds is a rough estimate at best, and will be rendered even less accurate by the
difficulty in accurately reading the T-2C DME indicator.
5. Calculate lead turnpoints. Lead turn procedures may be universally applied among
different aircraft, because the laws of aerodynamics rather than aircraft characteristics determine
aircraft turning performance. Thus, any of several methods of determining leadpoints for turns
to intercept arcs and radials will work in the T-2C. The most common one is the "rule" that the
turning radius of an aircraft is equal to about 1% of aircraft groundspeed (the turning radius
would be the lead distance required to intercept an arc or radial at a 90 angle). This rule is
based on a one-half standard rate turn, which will require an angle of bank of about 10% of the
aircraft's true airspeed. Note that the calculation to estimate the radius of turn requires
consideration of wind (for groundspeed), indicated airspeed, altitude (for estimating true
airspeed), and angle of bank. The companion "rule" that the turning radius is 1/2 of 1% of the
groundspeed for a standard rate turn can be helpful at slower airspeeds (such as in the landing
6. If the intercept angle between the old and new courses is 60, use one-half of a
90 lead distance. If the angle is 45, use one-third of a 90 lead distance. If the angle is 30 or
less, don't lead the turn. Due to the variables involved, it is not uncommon for turn estimates to
be somewhat inaccurate. As the aircraft completes an intercept turn, a request to "roll out of the
turn" or "continue the turn to a heading of ____", is often necessary for good course control.
Turn procedures for intercepting new courses over NAVAIDs is included in the Enroute Section.
Use the sequence "Aviate, Navigate, Communicate, Checklists" whenever the correct
priority of these activities is in question.
Standard Procedure
The ICS system in the T-2C is activated by the Power Control Lever (PCL) Microphone Switch
or the Microphone Select Switch on the ICS Control Panel. Activation of the PCL Microphone
Switch opens microphones in both crewmembers' oxygen masks, producing unwanted noise in
the ICS system. Accordingly, VT-86 policy is that (whenever possible) students will activate the
ICS by placing the Microphone Select Switch ("MIC SEL") on the ICS Control Panel to the
"HOT" position to talk, then reposition the switch back to the "COLD" position when finished.
Student use of the PCL Microphone Switch is permitted only during flight conditions (such as
Basic Fighter Maneuvering: BFM) wherein the student is unable to reach the Microphone Select
Switch. The ICS system in the T-39 is a voice-activated (VOX) system, requiring no switch
movement for activation. Because of their recent experience in the T-39 cockpit, T-2C students
are frequently unprepared for the T-2C requirement to activate a switch in order to talk on the
ICS. During 2F101 RI and SUA events, the 2F101 is flown by the Simulator Instructor (SI)
from the console ("NFO Mode") and the student will use the Microphone Select Switch on the
ICS Control Panel to activate the ICS system.
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