This chapter contains a description of the VT-86 Radio Instrument (RI) events conducted in
2F101 Flight Simulators at NAS Pensacola.
The student will perform as a Student Naval Flight Officer flying in a VT-86 T-2C in accordance
with local flight procedures, T-2C NATOPS, the CNATRA ATM curriculum, this CNATRA
FTI, VT-86 Standing Operating Procedures, and VT-86 Standardization Notes.
Simulator instruction during RI events is intended to improve student knowledge and
performance in the following areas:
1. FLIGHT PLANNING: Improve student skills in planning cross-country instrument
flights, and in evaluating and responding to unexpected inflight situations requiring changes in
flight plans.
2. NAVIGATION: Improve student skills in navigation and operation of T-2C navigation
equipment during departure, enroute, and terminal phases of IFR flight.
3. CHECKLISTS: Improve student skill in accurate and efficient completion of aircraft
SCAN: Improve student instrument scan skills.
5. AIRCRAFT KNOWLEDGE: Increase student knowledge of the T-2C aircraft by
monitoring the normal operation of aircraft systems, by calculating aircraft performance (such as
fuel consumption, airspeeds, PT-5 values, and AOA verification speeds), and by detecting and
correctly responding to aircraft system malfunctions and emergencies.
6. COMMUNICATIONS: Improve student skills in the use of T-2C communication
equipment and in cross-country IFR radio communications.
7. COCKPIT RESOURCES: Improve student T-2C cockpit organizational skills through
management of cockpit equipment and controls, charts, approach chart booklets, Inflight Guides,
and FLIP documents.
8. CREW COORDINATION: Improve crew coordination skills in executing checklists and
providing pilot briefings.
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