fight degrades, it will normally be redefined by one of the participants transitioning into a
horizontal scissors.
1V1 Neutral Engagement Admin
The 1V1 BFM engagements (and first move options) in VT-86 will be initiated from a neutral
abeam set-up.
P - Abeam
A - Lead: 16,000 feet; Wing: 16,000 feet
D - 1-1 1/2 NM
S - 250 KIAS
When each aircraft has achieved PADS and is ready to fight, the IPs will make the standard UHF
call: "Speed and Angels on the right/left." The IPs will then initiate the fight by calling "Fight's
on" in order. The responsibility for initiating the engagements will be delineated by the lead IP
during the brief.
The VT-86 standard is for the lead and wing to alternate engagement initiation responsibility
(i.e., Lead will initiate the first and third fights while wing will initiate the second and fourth
fights.) The "Fight's On" call will be immediately echoed by the other IP as both jets turn in
towards each other to effect a neutral first merge (wings-level, co-altitude, head-on pass).
Direction of pass calls from each student, in order, will immediately follow the "fight's on" calls
(Figure 10-20).
Example of UHF Engagement Initiation calls:
LEAD IP: "Turbo 1 speed and angels on the left."
WING IP: "Turbo 2 speed and angels on the right."
LEAD IP: "Fight's on."
WING IP: "Fight's on."
LEAD STUDENT: "Left to left" or "right to right" as appropriate.
WING STUDENT: "Left to left" or "right to right" as appropriate.
Because the fighters will generate 500 to 600 knots of closure during this initial merge, clear
calls in the correct order are essential during the fight initiation sequence. (A common student
mistake is to make the direction of pass call on ICS rather than UHF).
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