6.6.7. IFR Return For the remaining portion of the fuel plan, use the climb chart (as depicted in figures 6-
14 and 6-15) to determine fuel, distance and time to climb to the altitude listed in the stereo route
description. Again, remember to compute the ground speed using preflight winds. Computing an
EFR at the IAF completes this step.
NOTE: Because winds will affect fuel consumed, EFR and MCF data may not be computed
earlier than 12 hours prior to the flight.
6.6.8. Mission Completion Fuels With the five segments complete and an EFR for the IAF, the next step is to compute
mission completion fuels (MCF) for each low-level point. The following information applies to
T-1A/T-39 MCF computation: Minimum fuel for the T-1 is 500 lbs., 1100 lbs. for T-39.
(COMTRAWINGSIXINST 3710.1E) T-1A/T-39 missions are planned for one approach to a full stop. Assume 200 lbs. for each approach. (T-1A) Assume 400 lbs. For each approach (T-39) As with T-34 mission planning, the MCF is simply the fuel at each point that would
result in mission completion as planned with the minimum fuel required. Using the above data,
note the minimum fuel at the IAF for the T-1A is 700 lbs. (500+200) and 1500 lbs. for the T-39
EXAMPLE: After computing enroute fuel requirements, the jet card shows 1500 lbs of fuel
estimated remaining at the IAF. From the chart data worksheet, the following EFRs are noted:
Pt. A: 4000
Pt. B:3800
Pt. C:3570
From T-34 VNAV planning, recall the equation for MCF:
MCFpt= EFRpt - (EFRiaf - 700lbs)
Therefore, for our example: MCFpt= EFRpt - 800
This gives the following MCF data:
Pt. A: 4000
Pt. B:3800 Pt.
MCFPt. A: 3200
MCFPt. B:3000
MCFPt. C:2770
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