6.6.3. Takeoff, Departure to Entry Point of First Low-level: All sorties are planned to start with a standard fuel quantity (4500 lbs. for T-1A / 7200
lbs. for the T-39). From this initial amount, subtract the start, taxi, and takeoff (STTO) amount
(assume 200 lbs. of fuel for T-1A, leaving 4300 lbs. and 400 lbs. of fuel for T-39, leaving 6800
lbs.). For initial climb fuel computations, refer to your T-1A / T-39 In-flight guide/checklist for
the most current information. (Figure 6-14 and 6-15 may be used to work problems in this text,
but the In-flight guide/checklist is the approved source for flight computations.) For the descent
fuel computations, refer to item 6 in figures 6-14 and 6-15. For example, an initial altitude of
10,000 feet would result in 20 lbs. of fuel consumed over a distance of 16 NM in a T-1A and 60
lbs. of fuel consumed over 20 NM in a T-39. Note each stereo route (as described in the In Flight Guide) states the final requested
altitude for initial level off (typically 10000 feet) as well as any turn points filed between take off
and the entry point. While the distance from takeoff to entry will depend on the runway in use,
the longest option for the local area routes is takeoff from RWY 7 L/R. Use a planning constant
of 65 NM from takeoff to TRADR (NPA264/037) or 60 NM to ENSLY (NPA340/027). With the climb distance and fuels computed, measure a total distance is from departure
to the low-level entry point along the planned route of flight. Summing the distances from
takeoff to low-level entry, subtract out the distance spent climbing or descending. Plan this
remaining distance using the cruise fuel flow table shown in figures 6-14 and 6-15. Remember
to apply winds to the cruise portions of your fuel plan. Computing an Estimated Fuel Remaining
(EFR) for the first entry point completes this step.
6.6.4. First Low-level Route With an EFR for the entry point, compute the remaining EFRs for the first low-level by
subtracting out the fuel consumed on each leg (remember low-level fuel flow is assumed to be
1800 pph). If you are designated as the first student to fly, enter this data in both the data
worksheet and in the information stamps of the low-level chart. On the jet card, your route of
flight should include planning all the way to the entry point. On the line following the entry point
simply enter the route description (VR1020, 1021, etc) and the total fuel estimated for the low-
level (Figure 6-17). Computing an EFR for the first low-level's exit point completes this step.
6.6.5. Interim VFR Leg. For the interim leg, assume the extra fuel required to climb to planned cruise altitude
offsets fuel saved in the descent to the second low-level entry. Note item 7 of figure 6-14, which
states specific fuel flows and airspeeds to use in planning the VFR leg. To apply these
assumptions, measure the distance along the planned routing. Apply wind affect to the applicable
airspeed to derive a ground speed and derive a total time between the first low level exit and the
second low level entry. Next, use this time to compute the fuel consumed during the IFR enroute
portion. Computing an EFR at the second low-level entry point completes this step.
6.6.6. Second Low-level Route The second low-level route is computed just as the first. If you are designated as the
second student to fly, use the EFR for the second entry to compute low-level chart fuel data
(EFR). Determining the EFR at the second low-level target completes this step.
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