Figure 6-10
6.5.8. Computing the Time With leg distances measured and annotated on the worksheet, compute leg times using
300 kts ground speed. This ground speed equates to 5 miles per minute or 1 mile each 12
seconds. As distances are rounded to the nearest .5 mile, the leg times should be in multiples of
six seconds (.5 NM=6sec at 300 kts). Record and total time computations on the data worksheet.
6.5.9. Plotting Time Ticks As with T-34 VNAV charts, draw time ticks at 1 minute intervals. However, at 300 kts
this equates to every 5 miles. Each time tick extends 3 miles either side of track, with each third
tick extending 5 miles. For legs following the first leg, measure time tick distance backwards
along the track as described in Unit 2. Time ticks are labeled at every third minute, and all
annotations are in black ink.
6.5.10. Computing Fuels For T-1 aircraft, use a fixed fuel flow of 1800 lbs./hr to plan your low-level. This
yields a thirty pounds per minute fuel flow. Round computed data up to 10-pound increments,
such that 193 lbs. of fuel consumed becomes 200 lbs. For T-39 aircraft, use a fixed fuel flow of 3000 lbs./hr to plan your low-level. This
yields a 50 lbs./min fuel flow. Continue to round computed data up to the next 10-pound
6.5.11. Measure Bingo Distances Derive BINGO information as was done for T-34 mission planning, only use T-1A / T-
39 Bingo Data tables located in the T-1A/T-39 In-flight Guide. When measuring distances, use
the distance from the point direct to the planned destination; do not use a turn radius. For low-
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