6.5.14. Additional Annotations The following additional annotations are required, all in black ink: Update mission materials using NOTAMs, the Chart Update Manual (CHUM), and
AP-1B (FLIP). Include CHUM date and Chart edition on data worksheet. Noise sensitive areas are found in both AP-1B and NOTAMs. The following applies: Use a black hatched circle (3nm radius) to annotate these areas. Unless specified differently in AP-1B, these must be avoided by 3 NM or
1500 feet AGL. Circles may fall inside 3 NM of course centerline, but do not extend them
inside a turnpoint circle. Only CHUM annotations are allowed in the turn point circle. All T-1A divert fields require a minimum of 6000 feet of hard surface
runway, T-39 divert fields require a minimum of 5000 feet. Military diverts require some form of military presence (coast guard, reserve,
etc.). A 5 NM square for military, and a 5 NM triangle for emergency diverts with
navaid and frequency data annotated under the symbol. Print name, rank, class number, and route name in lower right hand corner in
black ink.
6.5.15. "Doghouses" or Information Stamps As each point of the low-level route has associated bingo data, each point should also
have an information stamp reflecting this data. The first information stamp contains the bingo
information for the entry point. This first stamp (or "dog house") also contains the heading, safe
altitude, distance, and leg time to the second point. The last information stamp contains bingo
information for the target and the first altitude planned for after low-level exit. When applying stamps to the chart, place them parallel with the leg they pertain to, but
not within 5 NM of route centerline. Record data from work sheet onto stamps while checking
for reciprocal headings and other mistakes.
6.5.16. Choosing Checkpoints While fix procedures are covered in detail in the next unit, choosing checkpoints is an
important part of chart preparation and mission planning. Review the T-34 VNAV text, chapter
3 for specific guidance on what features for an effective checkpoint. In addition to choosing
checkpoints based on their visual characteristics also consider the over-all pacing of the low-level
sortie. This is simply asking, "When, during this low-level, do I want to have a fix?" The
recommendations discussed in T-34 VNAV procedures still hold true: Checkpoints within two-
minutes prior detract from two-minute calls and solid turn point procedures, while checkpoints
within one and a half minutes after a turn point interfere with wings level calls and multiply
minor errors of timing and course. What is a good schedule for fixing? One technique is to have
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