The situation may arise when you need to communicate directly with Center without any
previous radio contact with a Center controller (i.e., you were previously VFR and now desire
IFR clearance). An alphabetical listing of sectors and their associated frequencies is located in
the aerodrome/facility directory section of the IFR Supplement. By approximating your position
relative to one of the remote sites, you can find the appropriate discrete sector frequency
(Figure 3-5).
Figure 3-5 Jacksonville Center
There is an even easier method to determine which sector frequency you should try when you are
not under positive control. Figure 3-6 is part of a Low Enroute Chart. Small boxes located
throughout the chart show the name of the Center, the sector, and both UHF and VHF
frequencies. Fixing your position on the chart and picking the nearest box takes all of the
guesswork out of finding the proper sector. For example, if flying VFR west of the NATCHEZ
TACAN and the weather deteriorates to where an IFR clearance becomes necessary, you may try
contacting Houston Center on 381.5.
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