Airport Sketch
The Airport Sketch is found in the bottom right corner of the Procedure Chart. It shows the field
layout, including runways, taxiways, ramp areas, tower, rotating beacon, obstacles, etc. Also
shown are runway lengths and widths, placement of arresting gear, runway slope displaced
thresholds, and approach lighting codes. Airport elevation is shown in the upper left corner of
the airport sketch and touchdown zone elevation is shown next to the approach end of the
runway to which the approach procedure is aligned. Supplementary information will also be
found in the airport sketch box (Figure 7-27).
Approach Lighting
The type of approach lighting available is depicted at the approach ends of the runways by small
circles containing a letter. The legend of the approach lighting codes is found in Section B of the
Flight Information Handbook. Note, a dot portrayed above the approach lighting letter indicates
sequenced flashing lights (strobes).
An Optical Landing System (OLS) and the availability of High and Medium Intensity Runway
Lights (HIRL and MIRL) will be indicated in this sketch box. These are not approach lighting
systems. The OLS is shown because it may create an obstruction hazard to some aircraft (C-141,
C-5) (Figure 7-27).
Figure 7-27 Airport Sketch
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