In addition to the aforementioned items, you may receive holding instructions or special
information following altitude data. A typical clearance might read as follows:
"1F120 is cleared to Navy Cecil airport via direct Crestview, flight
plan route. Climb and maintain one zero thousand, expect one five
thousand ten minutes after departure. Departure instructions:
Maintain runway heading and 500 feet for two DME, departure
control frequency two seven zero point eight. Squawk zero seven
zero zero." You might write it down as follows:
Figure 1-3 SE Jet Flight Log Clear
This is only an example of how a clearance may be copied on the
jet log. Each student will develop his/her own shorthand for
copying clearances. It is necessary to be able to copy correctly,
read back correctly in the proper sequence, and understand the
clearance. If you do not understand any part of your clearance,
then do not accept it until the questionable parts are clarified.
Next on the jet log, you will find spaces to use for destination airport information. Information
for these blocks is found in the IFR Enroute Supplement and/or the Approach Plates.
Figure 1-4 Destination Airport Information
DEST ELEV - Destination elevation, in feet above MSL.
TOWER - Appropriate UHF tower frequency.
GND CONT - Appropriate UHF ground control frequency.
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