Figure 1-11 SE 02 Jet Flight Log Route To
To calculate ETEs we must consider the wind. All preflighted ETEs and fuels calculated at
cruise altitude must take preflighted wind into account. For this example, our wind is 240/20.
We plot the wind on the CR-2 and find our course of 045 is affected by an 18 knot tailwind and
a 5 knot left crosswind (which at our TAS equates to a crab angle of 2 left).
Our ETE and fuel figures are based on preflight groundspeed (GS). Since our preflight TAS is
212 and our predicted wind gives us an 18 knot tailwind, then our predicted GS is 230 knots.
A GS of 230 knots for 15 NM equals approximately 3 minutes 54 seconds. We round all
fraction of minutes to the nearest half-minute. Therefore, enter "4" in our ETE column.
Calculate the rest of your ETEs in a similar manner.
Figure 1-12 SE 03 Jet Flight Log Route To
Now complete the leg fuels and EFRs for your jet log. The number in our LEG FUEL column is
the product of ETE times our preflight fuel flow in pounds per minute (3 X 4.32 = 12.96). We
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