The remaining mileage to MENTR (after exiting the arc) is 6 NM. Arcing NE on the 9 mile arc
from the 295 radial to the 340 radial covers (45 X 9/60) = 6.75 NM, which we round to 7 NM.
After exiting the 9 mile arc, the remaining distance to ENSLY is 18 miles. Adding the
components together yields 45 NM (3 + 11 + 6 + 7 + 18).
Look at Figure 1-10. To climb to 15,000 feet would take 25NM. You L/O 20 NM before
ENSLY. When flying DP/SIDs, the termination point of the DP/SID is treated as a navigational
checkpoint and is included on your jet log.
Figure 1-10 SE 01 Jet Flight Log Route To
The jet log is primarily a fuel planning document. Points on a DP/SID other than the termination
point have little significance with regard to fuel planning. Departures are not flown from the jet
log; they are flown from the DP/SID. Transferring DP/SID information to the jet log is
For preflight planning, when using a DP/SID, always compute
distance on a DP/SID with the runway providing the longest
distance possible.
Returning to our original example, we can now complete the ROUTE TO; IDENT/CHAN; CUS
and DIST blocks for the body of the jet log. The next line covers our flight from Crestview
(CEW) to Marianna (MAI). Since our initial cruising altitude is below the jet route structure
(18,000 MSL), we utilize the victor airways of the low-altitude structure. Since our route of
flight takes us through Marianna (MAI), we utilize V198. The TACAN channel for MAI is 87,
but remember in order to do radial tracking on V198, continue to utilize channel 106 until the
TACAN changeover point. Our initial course to maintain V198 is 088, however, after we
switch NAVAIDs at the TACAN changeover point, we fly a course of 092 to maintain V198
inbound to MAI. This is due to differences in magnetic variation at CEW and MAI. Now
complete the rest of this portion of the jet log in a similar manner.
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